Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India: govt jobs in chandigarh
Showing posts with label govt jobs in chandigarh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label govt jobs in chandigarh. Show all posts

Chandigarh Special Educator Recruitment 2023: Apply for 96 Special JBT and TGT Teacher Positions

 The Chandigarh Administration's Education Department has published the most recent announcement for the hiring of Special Educators (JBTs and TGTs) under Advertisement Number 02/2023. The recruitment notice for special education teachers for the Chandigarh Education Department was made public on September 15, 2023. Starting on September 20, 2023, individuals who are qualified and hold a degree or diploma in special education can apply online for the Chandigarh Special JBT Recruitment and Chandigarh Special TGT Recruitment.

Chandigarh Special Educator Recruitment 2023: Apply for Special JBT and TGT Teacher Positions

Overview of the Chandigarh Special Educator (JBT, TGT) Recruitment 2023

Department Name: Chandigarh Administration, Education Department.

Name of Position: Special JBT Teacher/Special TGT Teacher

Vacancies: 96 Posts.


Eligibility Criteria for applying

Age Restrictions: Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 37 years to apply to this Chandigarh JBT Recruitment 2023. The most important day for the age calculation is 1.1.2023. The age reduction will be granted in accordance with government regulations. It is important to have the 89-hour ICT Skill Certificate (Computer Course), which must be presented while making an appointment.

Qualification for TGT Special: Applicants who have completed their Graduation degree and also completed their Bed degree can apply for these government jobs in Chandigarh for TGT posts.

Qualification for JBT Special: Applicants must have a Graduation degree + D.Ed/ JBT (Special).


Selection Procedures for the Chandigarh Special Education JBT and TGT Recruitment in 2023

The following stages are part of the Chandigarh Special Education JBT, TGT Recruitment 2023 Selection Process:

1.    Writing Test

2.    Verification of Documents

3.    The Medical Exam


Exam Pattern for Chandigarh Special Education JBT and TGT Recruitment 2023

·      1/4th is a negative marking.

·      Time 2 hours and 30 minutes.

·      Exam Mode: Objective-Type Based on OMR

·      Minimum Passing Score: 40%

Exam Syllabus:

1.    General Awareness and Reasoning (15 Questions)

2.    Teaching Aptitude and Methodology (15 Questions)

3.    ICT (Computer), Arithmetical and Numerical Ability (15 Questions)

4.    Hindi (10 Questions)

5.    Punjabi  (10 Questions)

6.    English  (10 Questions)

7.    Special Education Related (10 Questions)


How much is the Application Charges for applying this Chandigarh JBT Recruitment 2023?

·      Application fee for Gen, OBC, and EWS categories will be Rs. 1000.

·      Those who belong to the SC category have to pay Rs. 500/-.

Mode of Payment: You have to choose online Payment Method.


Chandigarh Special Education JBT, TGT Recruitment 2023 Application Process

Applicants have to apply online for these Govt Jobs in India. To apply for the Chandigarh JBT, TGT Recruitment 2023 you have to follow the following steps:  

1.    The Chandigarh Special Education Teacher Notification 2023 to determine your eligibility.

2.    To apply online, click the link provided below under IMPORTANT LINK section, or go to

3.    Complete the application.

4.    After that you have to upload all the necessary paperwork online.

5.    Pay the application fees online.

6.    Take the print out of the application form on paper.


Important Dates

·      Date of Notification: 15 September 2023

·      Start applying online from September 20, 2023, at 11:00 a.m.

·      Application deadline is October 12, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

·      The fee must be paid by October 16, 2023, at 2:00 PM.

·      25 October 2023: Display of Fee Confirmation List.


Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online


Chandigarh Police ASI Recruitment 2023: Apply for 44 Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Posts

 Chandigarh Police ASI Recruitment 2023: Do you wish to work for the Chandigarh Police Department? If yes! the Chandigarh Police Recruitment Department has advertised a notification for the Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) Recruitment 2023. The Chandigarh Police is inviting online applications for the recruitment of ASI on 21 June 2023 onwards. The eligible candidates should follow the guidelines to finish the application procedure.

 Join the WhatsApp Group

For 44 ASI positions, the Chandigarh Police has published the Chandigarh Police ASI Notification 2023. Candidates who are interested in Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 should read the official notification before applying. The Chandigarh Police ASI Notification PDF is a significant file that contains all the pertinent details about the recruitment process, including educational requirements, age restrictions, key dates, application fees, and more. The Chandigarh Police Notification 2023 PDF must be read by candidates via the direct download link provided for your convenience.

Chandigarh Police ASI Recruitment 2023

Basic Information about this Chandigarh Police Recruitment

For 44 ASI positions, the Chandigarh Police has begun the Chandigarh Police ASI Recruitment 2023 process. On June 27, 2023, the online registration process will begin. Below is a summary of the Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 information.

Organization Name: Chandigarh Police (CP).

Designation Name: Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI).

Total Vacancies: 44 Posts

Chandigarh Police ASI Salary/ Pay Scale: Rs. 29200- 92300/- (Level-5).


PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023: Apply Now for 206 Group A, B, and C Vacancies

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023: The Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh has issued the most recent announcement for the direct recruitment of various Group A, B, and C vacancies.

The official PGI Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Group A, B, and C Post Notification for 206 Vacancies has been announced by the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. The PGI Chandigarh Online Registration will commence on June 13, 2023, and will end on July 13, 2023.PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 has been issued for various Group A, B, and C positions. The eligibility qualifications and remuneration differ depending on the position, which is detailed below.

Join the WhatsApp Group

A written test, an interview, and document verification are all part of the PGI Chandigarh selection process. We have mentioned the PGI Chandigarh Vacancy, Salary, and other facts in this article. Continue reading for more.


PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023

Chandigarh Police Constable Vacancy 2023: Govt Jobs in Chandigarh for 700 Constable Posts

Vacancy for Chandigarh Police Constable 2023

Latest Govt Jobs in Chandigarh city for fresher candidates. The Chandigarh Police recruitment board has published a notice in the newspaper related to the recruitment of constable posts under the Chandigarh Police. The most recent notice for the recruitment of 930 constables, including 700 General Duty Constables, 50 Sports Quota Constables, and 180 IT Wing Constables, has been released by the Chandigarh Police. You can apply online for these Govt jobs in India from May 20, 2023. Eligible Indian men and women can submit an online application for the Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 at Below are all of the details regarding the Chandigarh Police Constable Vacancy 2023. You have to read the full employment news carefully before applying for these Government jobs in India.

Highlights of this Employment News:

*12th Pass Govt Jobs in Chandigarh city under Police Department.

*Chandigarh Police constable Vacancy out after 7 Years. The Last Chandigarh Police constable recruitment occurred in 2015.

*930 Police Constable Vacancy in UT Chandigarh.

*Good Pay Scale for constable job profile which is as follows Rs.19900- 63200/- (Level-2 as per 7th CPC pay matrix).


Chandigarh Police Constable Vacancy 2023

Overview of Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023

Name of Position: Constable (Male/Female)

Vacancies: 700 Posts.

·      Constable (Male/ Female): 700 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.19900-63200/- (Pay Level-2 under the 7th CPC pay matrix)


Eligibility Criteria for Applying this Chandiagrh Police Constable Recruitment 2023

Age Bond: The recruitment age limit falls between 18 years to 25 years. The key date that determines the age is 1.1.2023. The age reduction will be granted in accordance with government regulations.

Educational Qualification: Applicants who have passed in their 12th class from a well-recognized educational board of India can apply for these Govt Jobs in Chandigarh city. Applicants who have completed their ITI course can also apply for this Chandigarh Police constable recruitment 2023.


How much is the application fee for applying Chandigarh Police constable Vacancy?

·      Application fees for the General category candidates are Rs. 1000.

·      Those who belong to the SC/EWS categories have to pay Rs.800 application fee amounts.

·      Those who belong to the Ex-Serviceman category have to pay the NIL application fee amount.

Mode of Payment: You have to pay the application fee for applying Chandigarh Police Constable vacancy using the online method. You can use your credit cards/Debit cards/internet banking for the payment of the application fee.


The Selection Criteria for Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023

Applicants will be selected for these jobs after going through the different rounds of selection. The following stages are part of the Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023 selection process:

1st Round: Writing Test.

2nd Round: PMT, or physical measurement test.

3rd Round: PET, or Physical Efficiency Test.

4th Round: Verification of Documents.

5th Round: The Medical Exam.


How to Submit an Application for the 2023 Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment

Applicants have to apply online for these Govt jobs in Chandigarh City. You have to fill up the online application form from 20th May 2023. This Date is the expected date to start the process. Apply for the Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023 by following these steps:

1. To apply online, use the link provided below under the IMPORTANT LINK section, or go to

2.    After that you have to Complete the application online.

3.    Upload all the necessary documents/paperwork online.

4. In the next step you have to pay the application fee related to this Chandigarh police constable recruitment.

5.    Take out the printout of the application form on paper.


Significant Dates Related to this Chandigarh Police New Vacancy 2023

·   Applicants can apply online for these Govt Jobs in India from May 27, 2023 (anticipated)

·     The Application deadline will be in the month of 17 June 2023.

·      Date of Exam: 23 July 2023 [Tentative Date].


Important Links

Newspaper Notice

Notification Here for 700 Constable Posts

Apply Online [Link will be Live on 27th May 2023]

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the vacancies available under Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023?

The vacancies available under Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023 are as follows:

  • Constable (Male/ Female): 700 Posts
  • Constable (Sports Quota): 50 Posts
  • Constable (IT): 180 Posts

2. What is the pay scale for the constable job profile?

The pay scale for the constable job profile is Rs. 19,900 - 63,200/- (Level-2 as per 7th CPC pay matrix).

3. What is the eligibility criteria for applying to the Chandigarh Police constable recruitment 2023?

The eligibility criteria for applying to the Chandigarh Police constable recruitment 2023 are as follows:

  • Age Bond: 18 years to 25 years as of 1.1.2023
  • Educational Qualification: 12th pass or ITI course completion

4. What are the stages of the selection process for Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023?

The stages of the selection process for Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023 are as follows:

  1. Writing Test
  2. PMT (Physical Measurement Test)
  3. PET (Physical Efficiency Test)
  4. Verification of Documents
  5. Medical Exam

CTU Conductor Recruitment 2023: Apply for 131 Bus Conduct Jobs in India

CTU Conductor Recruitment 2023

Latest Govt Jobs in Chandigarh for Bus Conductor posts. Applicants who are looking for bust conductor jobs in Chandigarh can apply for this CTU Recruitment 2023. Chandigarh Transport Undertaking recruitment department has published a notification on their website related to the employment of conductor posts. The most recent announcement for the direct recruitment of 131 bus conductors has been issued by the Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU). Starting on March 17, 2023, qualified applicants may submit an online application for the CTU Conductor Position at Below, you'll find all the information on Chandigarh CTU Conductor Recruitment 2023. Read the full employment news shared by the Govt Job Portal before applying online for these conductor jobs in India.

CTU Conductor Recruitment 2023

Basic Information About this CTU Vacancy 2023

Designation: Conductor.

Vacancies: 131 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs. 5910- 20200/- (Grade Pay 2400/-)


Eligibility Criteria for Applying this CTU Bus Conductor Recruitment 2023

Age Bond: The recruitment age range is 18 to 25 years. The crucial date for calculating age will be updated shortly after the detailed notification is released. The detailed notification will be published on 17th March 2023. The age relaxation will be granted in accordance with government regulations.

Educational Qualification: Applicants who have a License for Conductor and also pass in their 12th class from a recognized educational board of India can apply for these Conductor jobs in Chandigarh.


CTU Bus Conductor Selection Process 2023

These are the stages of the selection process for CTU Conductor Recruiting in 2023:

1.    Written Assessment

2.    Document Verification

3.    Medical Assessment

Applicants who passed in all these stages will be appointed as Bus Conductor under Chandigarh Transport Corporation.

How to Submit a CTU Conductor Recruiting Application in 2023

Applicants have to apply online for these conductor jobs in Chandigarh. TH online application form link will be live from 17th March 2023. To apply for the CTU Conductor Recruitment 2023, you have to follow these steps:

1.    First of all verify your eligibility using the CTU Conductor Notification 2023. The detailed notification will be out soon.

2.  Visit the website or click the Apply Online Link provided below to apply online.

3.    Complete the application form.

4.    You have to upload the necessary documents under this step.

5.    You have to pay the application fees online.

6.    Get the application form printed.


Important Dates

·      The Start Date to fill up the online application form is 10th March 2023.

·      You have to apply online for these Conductor jobs in India before 17th April 2023.


Important Links

Notification Here (Will be out on 17th March 2023)

Short Notice

Apply Online (Will be Live on 17th march 2023)

Punjab and Haryana High Court Recruitment 2023: Apply for 157 Clerk Posts Now

Recruitment 2023 for Clerk at Punjab and Haryana High Court

Inviting applications for High Court Clerks in Punjab and Haryana. On February 25, 2023, the Punjab and Haryana High Court recruitment department officially announced 157 openings for the position of Clerk on its website. The online application link is operational as of February 24, 2023, and the application deadline is March 17, 2023. Applicants can read the comprehensive notification for the 2023 Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk Recruitment that is provided below. Detailed information on the Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk Recruitment 2023, including the official notice pdf, job descriptions, eligibility requirements, and other details, is provided in this post. You have to read the full employment news shared by the Govt Job Portal team for detailed information.


Punjab and Haryana High Court Recruitment 2023: Apply for 157 Clerk Posts Now

Overview of the Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk Recruitment 2023

There are 157 open positions for Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk, and the application period is now open. Candidates can review the information for the 2023 Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk Recruitment Overview below.

Designation: Clerk.

Vacancies: 157 Posts.

Pay Band: As per Government Rule.


Eligibility Criteria

Qualification Criteria: Educational Requirements for Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk Positions as of January 9, 2023. The applicants must hold a bachelor's degree in arts, commerce, Science or a related field.


Age Criteria: The Age criteria for applying are as follows on 17-03-2023:

·      Minimum age requirement: 18 years.

·      Applicants who have a Maximum age of 30 can apply for this Recruitment.


Application Fees for the 2023 Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk Recruitment:

·      Other than Punjab, Haryana, and U.T. Chandigarh, the following rates apply to general, SC, ST, and BC applicants: 1000 (plus 510 for online facilitation fees and 500 for examination fees).

·      For ex-servicemen, people with disabilities, and SC/ST/BC residents of Punjab, Haryana, and U.T. Chandigarh: Rs. 750 (Facilitation Fees: Rs. 500 + Examination Fee: Rs. 250).

Mode of Payment: Online payment methods include debit, credit, and internet banking.


Selection Procedures for the 2023 Recruitment of Clerks for the Punjab and Haryana High Court:

The following stages are part of the selection process for the Punjab and Haryana High Court Clerk Recruitment 2023:

·      Prelims Writing Test (Objective)

·      Exam Mains Written (Subjective)

·      Verification of Documents

·      Medical evaluation.


Important Dates

25th Feb. 2023 is the Start Date to apply online.

17th March 2023 is the last date to apply.

Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online