Top 20 Most Important General Knowledge Question With Answer

Top 20 Most Important General Knowledge Question With Answer

Important General Knowledge Questions with Answers

Most important General Knowledge Questions are very important to get success in Bank Competitive examinations, Railway examinations, Combined medical service examinations, etc. So General Knowledge is very important for students and applicants. General Knowledge Questions with Answers are provided below, please read the full information carefully. General Knowledge Questions are now available for free on the website of

Particularly for younger students, general knowledge is an essential component of education. It supports kids' growth in critical thinking and problem-solving abilities as well as their expansion of knowledge and awareness of world events. This section contains kid-friendly summaries of general knowledge questions and answers covering a range of topics, such as science, history, civics, geography, IQ, and more. 

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General Knowledge Quiz With Answers
1. Grand Central Terminal, New York is the ___ railway station. 
A. Largest
B. Highest
C. Longest
D. None of the above 

 Answer : A

2. In the Act of Parliament in ____ Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi's name was changed to Lakshadweep. 
A. 1970
B. 1971
C. 1972
D. 1973

 Answer : D

3. In which continent, Eritrea became 182nd member of UN ?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. Europe
D. Australia

 Answer: B

4. Rajya Sabha members are elected by
A. Lok Sabha
B. Legislative assembly
C. The people
D. Legislative Council

 Answer: B

5. Panchayat members are nominated by 
A. District Officer
B. Territorial constituencies
C. Local self-government minister of the state
D. Block development organization

 Answer: B

6. The Lok Sabha present is the ____ Lok Sabha
A. 13th
B. 14th
C. 15th
D. 16th 

 Answer: D

7. The Parliament of India will use residuary powers at _____ 
A. Any time
B. National emergency time
C. Some time
D. None of the above 

 Answer: A

8. The Lok Sabha members hold office for ____ years 
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 3

Answer : B

9. For Lok Sabha elections, lower age limit is ____ years 
A. 25
B. 21
C. 18
D. 35 

 Answer : A

10. High court judge pension is charged for the ____ 
A. Contingency Fund of India
B. Consolidated Fund of India
C. Different states
D. None of the above

Answer :

11. Location of Garampani sanctuary is _____
A. Diphu, Assam
B. Junagarh, Gujarat
C. Kohima, Nagaland
D. Gangtok, Sikkim

Answer :

12. Nobel Prize is awarded in which disciplines ? 
A. Physiology or Medicine
B. Physics and Chemistry
C. Literature, Peace and Economics
D. All of the above

Answer :

13. The lower age limit for voters in India is _____ years 
A. 15
B. 18
C. 21
D. 25 

 Answer : B

14. Rajya Sabha members are elected by _____ 
A. Based on universal adult franchise
B. Legislative assemblies
C. Legislative councils
D. Both legislative councils & legislative assemblies 

 Answer : B

More About Most Important General Knowledge Question With Answer (Park with their location)

15. Chief minister position is _____ 
A. Same as the prime minister
B. Same as the president
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above 

 Answer : A

16. Abbreviation of FFC is _____ 
A. Film Finance Corporation
B. Foreign Finance Corporation
C. Federation of Football Council
D. None of the above

 Answer : A

17. The name of Fastest shorthand writer is _____ 
A. Dr. G. D. Bist
B. J.R.D. Tata
C. J.M. Tagore
D. Khudada Khan 

 Answer : A

18. Epsom (England) belongs to which game ?
A. Horse racing
B. Polo
C. Shooting
 D. Snooker 

Answer : A

19. Italian astronomer Galileo was _____ 
A. Invented telescope
B. discovered Jupiter satellites
C. All of the above
D. None of the above 

Answer : C

20. The famous Golf player of Vijay Singh belongs to _____ country?
B. Fiji
C. India

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