NRHM Recruitment For 2300+ Various Posts 2018

NRHM Recruitment For 2300+ Various Posts 2018

National Health Mission Recruitment 2018
Job Posted On: 23th June 2018
Department Name: National health mission Recruitment 2018
 Job Profile: Manager, Account & other
Employment Type: Regular
Job Location: India
Qualification: 10th pass, Graduate, Master Degree 

nrhm recruitment 2018

National health mission of India recruitment in Uttar Pradesh state for various vacant posts. NRHM Recruitment department is inviting all Indian candidates to apply for these Government jobs in UP.  NRHM invites Govt job applications for filling up following posts which we explained below.
Eligible and interested candidates for these Government jobs in UP can apply online through the NRHM official website. Application must be submitted in the prescribed format only.
Before moving to the online application form, applicants should ensure that he/ she fulfills all the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement s well as below in this article. 

More information related to this NRHM Recruitment in UP state read the whole article carefully. We try to explain full information below in this article.

Basic Information about this NRHM Recruitment 2018
Profile Names: Program Manager, Account Manager, Blood Bank Counselors, Pharmacist and others 
Total Vacancies: 2390 Jobs
Pay Scale: Not Mention

What are the Various Eligibility Criteria about this NRHM Recruitment?
Below we explain the various educational requirements for various posts. Check the all qualification carefully before applying any type of vacancy.

1). Applicants must have a Graduation degree in social work or social sciences are eligible to apply.

2). Those who have a Graduation degree in commerce stream are also eligible to apply these Government jobs..

3).Candidates having a Post Graduation diploma (or) degree in psychology social worker  can also apply.

4). Candidates who have passed in Higher secondary school education can also apply for this NRHM Recruitment 2018.

5). Applicants having the following qualification “ M.D./D.N.B. IN PSYCHIATRY” can apply.

6).Diploma holders are also eligible to apply these Government jobs.

7). Applicants who have completed nursing or equivalent degree can also apply this NRHM Recruitment 2018.

9). MBA in finance /material management are also eligible.

Various Posts and Vacancies related to Each Post.
1)     Block Account Manager:  57 posts
2)     Block Community Process Manager:     04 posts
3)     Block Program Manager:     55 posts
4)     Blood Bank Counselors:    04 posts
5)     Pathologist:     05 posts
6)     Nutritionist/ Feeding Demonstrate:    06 posts
7)     Dental Surgeon:   22 posts
8)     Ayush MO:   71 posts
9)     Case Registry Assistant:   13 posts
10) Clinical Psychologist:   01 posts
11) Consultant Psychiatrist -1 /2 /3:    07 posts
12) Monitoring & Evaluation Officer:   12 posts
13) Psychiatric Nurse:    02 posts
14) Psychiatric Social Worker:    04 posts
15) Ward Assistant/ Orderly:    03 posts
16) Dental Assistant:    04 posts
17) Dental Hygienist   :    04 posts
18) Dental Surgeon    :   03 posts
19) Eye Donation Counsellor    :   01 post
20) Eye Surgeon -1 /2    :  04 posts
21) Ophthalmic Assistant -1  / 2  :   01 post
22) District Program Coordinator    :   54 posts
23) Epidemiologic ST/ District Program Officer    :   46 posts
24) Finance Cum Logistic Consultant -1 /2    :  26 posts
25) General Physician-CCU Specialist Cardiology    :   04 posts
26) Physiotherapist    :   20 posts
27) Counsellor    :   85 posts
28) General Physician    :   67 posts
29) Consultant Medicine    :   48 posts
30) Physiotherapist    :   14 posts
31) Rehabilitation Worker    :   19 posts
32) Multi-Task Worker    :   06 posts
33) Palliative Care Physician   :    07 posts
34) Audiologist   :    19 posts
35) Audiometric Assistant   :    12 posts
36) ENT Surgeon    :   01 post
37) Instructor For Young Hearing Impaired Children    :   14 posts
38) District Consultant -1    :   42 posts
39) Psychologist/ Counsellor -1    :   37 posts
40) Social Worker -1 /2   :   35 posts
41) Case Registry Assistant   :    30 posts
42) Clinical Psychologist   :    30 posts
43) Community Level Psychologist   :    300 posts
44) Community Nurse   :    30 posts
45) Consultant Psychiatrist – 1/2/3    :   30 posts
46) Monitoring & Evaluation Officer    :   30 posts
47) Psychiatric Nurse   :    30 posts
48) Psychiatric Social Worker   :    30 posts
49) Ward Assistant   :  30 posts
50) Data Manager -1 /2   :   01 post
51) Medical Officer    :   58 posts
52) State Consultant (AES/JE)    :   01 post
53) District Data Manager -1 / 2   :   05 posts
54) Epidemiologist -1 / 2 / 3    :   05 posts
55) District Leprosy Consultant-1     :  08 posts
56) District Leprosy Consultant-2
57) Paramedical Worker -1     :  64 posts
58) Paramedical Worker -2
59) Paramedical Worker -3
60) Physiotherapist     :  05 posts
61) District VBD Consultant   :    03 posts
62) Accountant     :  04 posts
63) Accountant-STDC     :  01 post
64) Consultant- RTPMU     :  02 posts
65) Counsellor DRTB Center     :  03 posts
66) District PMDT/TB HIV Coordinator    :   06 posts
67) District PPM (Public Private Mix) Coordinator    :   05 posts
68) District Program Coordinator    05 posts
69) DRTB Center- SA    01 post
70) Sputum Microscopist (SM) /LT    09 posts
71) Statistical Assistant    01 post
72) STLS-Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor    18 posts
73) STS-Senior Treatment Supervisor    107 posts
74) Tuberculosis Health Visitor-TBHV    32 posts
75) Tuberculosis Health Visitor-TBHV- 2  posts
76) Tuberculosis Health Visitor-TBHV- 3 posts
77) Tuberculosis Health Visitor – TBHV Medical College    01 post
78) Tuberculosis Health Visitor – TBHV Medical College- 2 posts
79) Tuberculosis Health Visitor – TBHV Medical College- 3 posts
80) Pharmacist    54 posts
81) Physician (UCHC)    08 posts
82) Radiologist (UCHC)    08 posts
83) Nursing Faculty    20 posts
84) Data Entry Operator Cum Programme Asst.    03 posts
85) RSK Manager    05 posts
86) X-Ray Technician    12 posts
87) MO Ayush (Female)    247 posts
88) MO Ayush (Male)    95 posts
89) Paramedics- Pharmacist    121 posts
90) Audiologist    02 posts
91) Dental Technician    02 posts
92) Early Interventionist-SPL Educator-1    02 posts
93) Early Interventionist-SPL Educator-2 posts
94) Early Interventionist-SPL Educator-3 posts
95) Medical Officer Dental    02 posts
96) MO -MBBS    02 posts
97) Optometrist    02 posts
98) Paediatrician    02 posts
99) Physiotherapist    02 posts
100)        Psychologist    02 posts
101)        Social Worker    02 posts
102)        AFHS Counsellor -1    52 posts
103)        AFHS Counsellor -2 posts
104)        District Cold Chain Handler    06 posts
105)        Last Date of receipt of application : 08.07.2018

08 july 2018 Last Date for apply online.

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