Boost Your Memory for Interview [Tricky Questions to Ask in an Interview]

Boost Your Memory for Interview [Tricky Questions to Ask in an Interview]

Boost Your Memory for Job Interview (Tricky Questions to Ask in an Interview)

Interviewing for a job can tax your memory. You must remember the names of your interviewers, their titles and details about the company, plus all the specifics of your own work history. Even finding the interview location taxes your short-term memory. At the same time, being nervous causes many people to forget details. A great help to your interview preparation is to boost your memory before the interview so that you can arrive confident and fully focused. After these tips, we will share tricky questions to Ask in an Interview along with the perfect answers.

Questions to Ask in an Interview

11 Facts that you must know before going for an Interview. These Facts will boost your memory for the Job interview:

1. When researching the company, break it down into several study sessions spaced apart rather than try to learn it in a single sitting. Never cram the night before unless this is a spur-of-the-moment interview.

2. Paying attention plays a big role in information recall, as you may recall from your experiences daydreaming during high school chemistry class. Study the company in a quiet environment that’s free of distractions.

3. Pay attention to what is said during the interview. Many candidates focus so intently on what they are going to say next that they miss key pieces of information that the interviewer is giving.

4. Repeating information helps you to retain it. If you are in a panel group interview, with more than one interviewer, there are sure to be names that are new to you. Say, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Hanson,” and you’ll remember his name later.

5. Organize pieces of information into groups. Educational psychologists call this process “chunking.” The reason it helps boost your memory is simple. It’s easier to remember five groups with five items in each one than it is to remember 25 separate items. Draw a big-picture organizational chart that includes divisions and subsidiaries of the company. Then plug in the people and departments that you would be working with if you had the job. Go through the same process with the company’s products and markets, organizing each one into categories.

6. Use mnemonic devices. Association and visualization are especially effective devices to boost your memory in situations in which there’s no time for complicated strategies. Simply associate something you’re trying to remember with something else, and then visualize it. For example, if an interviewer’s name is Jim Newberger, picture your college roommate Jim eating a new burger. If you can, associate a physical feature to remember the face as well. Perhaps Jim Newberger has a full head of black hair like your college roommate. Afterward, jot down the name as soon as possible.

7. If you have a longer time to learn information, acronyms and acrostics work well. For example, if the division in which you’re interested makes coatings, adhesives, special polymers, and inks, take the first letter of each word to form the acronym CASPI. You can even visualize a friendly ghost. An acrostic using the first letter of each word might be “Cats Always Smell Pretty Interesting.”

8. Try the loci technique to boost your memory. In this method, you imagine the things you are trying to remember as objects in a familiar place. Let’s say that you want to remember the company’s satellite offices in Troy, Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Ann Arbor. You might picture Helen of Troy sitting on your living room sofa, a lance mounted on the wall of your dining room, grand rapids spilling from an overflowing kitchen sink, and your cousin Ann sitting under an arbor in your back yard.

9. Keep all belongings related to the interview super-organized. This will free up your memory for more important tasks in the same way that cleaning up your computer’s hard drive frees up more memory. Rummaging through a disorganized briefcase to find a pen—or, worse, asking the interviewer for one—could kill your chances of landing the job. The interviewer will think, “If this candidate can’t even find a pen, what’s a business trip going to be like?”

Keep a few pens tucked inside your jacket pocket or in the outside pocket of your purse. Store relevant phone numbers on your computer and phone rather than on scraps of paper.

10. Practicing for the interview is one of the best ways to commit something to memory. If possible, do a practice drive to the place of the interview and use a GPS if you have one. Think of this as the equivalent of taking a practice test in school. If you get lost and arrive late, you can probably forget about getting the job even if your qualifications are top-notch.

11. Also, at least practice the  10 common interview questions and answers with someone else. Practice our list of top interview trick questions and rehearse how you will handle them. Even if the interviewer surprises you with a different question, chances are that you’ve already rehearsed your response to a similar type of query.

Tricky Questions to Ask in an Interview:

Interviews can be rather stressful on their own because the stakes are already high, but sometimes tricky Questions to Ask in an Interview can really throw you off. A tricky interview question is any type of question that takes you by surprise or something that may be difficult to answer without making you look bad.

There is no right or wrong answer to any question, so just think of things that will help you look like the best candidate for the job.

Unfortunately, employers ask these questions because they want to find ways to weed out certain candidates if they do not provide satisfactory answers. These questions are very revealing and you can get yourself into trouble if you reveal too much or seem surprised by the questions. Employers often ask a number of these questions during the interview, so it is important that you have the right answers ready.

Here are some of the most common questions and the best responses to them so you won’t find yourself.

- What is your greatest weakness?

You should think of a weakness that is appropriate for an interview and then discuss how you corrected the weakness. Do not be too candid in your response because an employer may think twice about hiring you if they think the weakness will affect your job performance. Be careful about what you mention because it is never a good idea to say that you are late, inefficient, or lacking in any of your most vital skills. Instead, you could say that you were disorganized in the past, but you read a time management book and implemented a new system that made you more organized and productive than ever before.


- Tell me about yourself

This question sounds really innocuous, but it is sort of confusing because you do not know where to begin. The interviewer is not looking for anything too personal, but it can be difficult to pinpoint the perfect response that will win them over. The best type of response is to discuss your professional background up to the present and mention your interest in the current position. You could discuss your educational background as well or mention some of your professional goals. Since this is a very common question, you should come up with a few points that you could use to answer this question before your interview.


- Why did you leave your last position?

This is at the top of the list when it comes to tricky interview questions because most people do not leave their jobs on good terms. Let’s be honest, most people only leave because there was some type of negative situation going on whether it was a poor environment, not enough pay, or a personality conflict with a supervisor. Sadly, it is not recommended that you provide a candid response to this answer because if you say anything negative about your employer it will only make you look bad. This is because they assume that if you are willing to say something negative about your past employer, then you will probably say something negative about them later on as well. Regardless of what actually happened, just be diplomatic and only say positive things about the company while briefly mentioning that it was not the right fit for an appropriate reason. Perhaps you could say that you were seeking new opportunities, you moved, or there was a scheduling conflict of some sort.


- Why should I hire you?

This question can be used as a means to display some of the best attributes and skills. You could discuss your training, education or work experience to match them to the requirements of the position. Before the interview, you should review the qualifications and come up with reasons why you fit into the position perfectly. Try to provide specific examples and reasons why are the best person for the job, so do not use general explanations. Mention specifics projects, training programs, and positions that prepared you for the position you are interviewing for. Practicing for the interview with friends and family members will help you remain calm during a stressful interview.


- Describe a problem and how you solved it

This question is difficult to answer on the spot, so you will have to think of some appropriate situations before the interview. Find an example that does not reflect poorly on you and carefully craft a response that will reflect well on your abilities. You could mention your experience running a team or completing a project and mention some issues that happened along the way. You should clearly identify the problem and show exactly what you did to fix it and what you learned from the experience.


It’s a good idea to have a list of interview questions to ask of your potential new employer as well.

Any interviewer can ask a tricky question in an interview, so it is essential that you do interview preparation for any type of question that they can ask. Do practice interviews with friends and family members in order to boost your confidence and prepare for the real interviews. There is no right or wrong answer to any question, so just think of things that will help you look like the best candidate for the job.

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