Latest Govt Jobs in India - Government Job Portal of India: govt jobs in bihar
Showing posts with label govt jobs in bihar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label govt jobs in bihar. Show all posts

BPSC Recruitment 2022 for 286 Assistant Public Sanitary and Waste Management Officers

BPSC Recruitment 2022

Bihar Public Service Commission has issued the official notification for the recruitment of the posts of Assistant Public Sanitary and Waste Management Officers on the official website. BPSC has announced 286 vacancies of notification civil engineering. The candidates who have a degree can read the article to know about the BPSC Recruitment 2022. This is the best opportunity for candidates to get a job.

The candidate must complete B.Sc/B.Tech for this post. The candidates who have to apply for BPSC Recruitment 2022 can apply online before 10th February 2022. The candidates reading this article properly can directly apply for BPSC Recruitment from 17th January 2022 till 10th February 2022. In this article, we have covered everything about eligibility criteria, application fee, selection process, important dates, how to apply for the post of BPSC Recruitment 2022.

BPSC Recruitment 2022 for 286 Assistant Public Sanitary and Waste Management Officers

Bihar Police Prohibition Constables Recruitment 2022 [ Govt Jobs for 365 Prohibition Constable Posts ]

 Bihar Police Prohibition Constables Recruitment 2022

Govt Jobs in Bihar for 365 Prohibition Constable Posts

Latest Government Jobs in Bihar under Police department for Prohibition Constable Posts. The CSBC Bihar Police has published an Official Notification on their website related to the employment of 365 Prohibition Constables. These Constable vacancies will be filled up under Excise & Registration Dept., Govt. of Bihar. Applicants who have passed in their 12th class can apply for these Govt jobs in Bihar state 2021. The online applications related to this Bihar Police recruitment will be filled up before 18th January 2022. More information related to this recruitment process is given below in this employment news. Read the full employment news carefully before applying for this recruitment process.


Basic information related to this Bihar Police Recruitment 2022

Designation Name: Prohibition Constable.

Number of Vacancies: 365 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.21,700 – Rs.53,000 per month (Pay Level-3).


100 Mines Inspector Vacancy 2021 [BSSC Notification]

BSSC Notification 2021

Bihar Govt Jobs for 100 Mines Inspectors

Bihar SSC recruitment department has recently published an official employment notification related to the Mines inspector posts. There are 100 posts of Mines Inspector under Mines & Geology Department which are going to be filled up through this employment process.  

The candidates who have completed their 3 years Diploma (or) those who have completed their B.Sc. degree can apply for this BSSC Notification 2021. The online Application related to these Govt jobs in Bihar will be filled up before 20th October 2021. More information related to the eligibility criteria, salary, selection process, and process for applying is given below in this employment news. Read the full employment news carefully before applying for these Govt jobs in Bihar state 2021.

BSSC Notification 2021

Basic information related to this BSSC Vacancy 2021

Designation: Mines Inspector.

Vacancies: 100 Posts.

Pay Band: Pay Level-6.

Bihar Police Vacancy for 2380 Constable (Fireman) Posts / 12th Pass Bihar Govt Job

Bihar Police Fireman Notification 2021

12th Pass Govt Job in Bihar 

Latest Bihar Govt job for fresher applicants. Bihar Police recruitment department has published an official notification on their official website related to the employment of Fireman posts. Bihar Police is going to recruit 2380 Constable (Fireman) posts through this employment process.

Applicants who have passed in their 12th class examination in any stream can apply for this Bihar Govt job for constable posts. The online application related to this Bihar Police vacancy for Fireman posts will be accepted till 25th March 2021. More information related to this Bihar Police recruitment such as the eligibility criteria, pay scale, selection procedure, and How to apply is given below in this Govt Job Portal news. Read the full news carefully before applying for this Bihar Police vacancy.

Bihar Police Vacancy for 2380 Constable (Fireman) Posts  / 12th Pass Govt Job in Bihar

Basic Points correlated to this Bihar Police Fireman Vacancy 2021

Designation: Constable (Fireman).

Number of Vacancies: 2380 Posts.

Job Location: Bihar State.

Pay Band: Rs.21,700 – Rs.69,100 (Pay Level-3).


Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020 / Govt Jobs in Bihar for 442 Junior Engineer Posts

Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020

Govt Jobs in Bihar for 442 JE posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Government Jobs in India for Junior Engineer posts under the Bihar Urban Development department. A fresher notification has been published by the Urban Development department in which they are inviting all Indian candidates to apply for the Junior engineer job profile. Latest Govt Jobs for 3 years of diploma holder candidates.

Applicants who have completed their 3 years engineering diploma can apply for this Bihar Urban Development JE Recruitment 2020. Department is going to fill up 442 vacant positions through this employment process. Eligible applicants can fill up the online application related to these Government jobs in India before 07 December 2020. Please go through the full employment news carefully before applying for these JE jobs in Bihar state.  All the important facts related to this Bihar Urban Development recruitment process such as the eligibility criteria, pay ban and How to apply is given below.

Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020

Basic Detail about this Bihar Urban Development JE Recruitment 2020

Profile Name: Junior Engineer (JE)   

Vacancies: 442 Posts.   

Pay Band: 27000/- (Per Month)


JE Vacancies on the basis of various Discipline  

·       Civil: 358 Posts.

·       Mechanical: 42 Posts.

·       Electrical: 42 Posts.

·       Total: 442 Posts.


Bihar Urban Development JE Eligibility Criteria

Education: 3 Years Diploma in one of the following trade/stream: “Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering” can apply for this Bihar Urban Development recruitment 2020.

Age Bond: Must have age in between 18 to 37 years for Male candidates.

Must have age in between 18 to 40 years for Female applicants as on 01.01.2020


Application Fee: No need to pay any application fee amount for applying these Govt Jobs in Bihar state for JE posts 2020. All fresher candidates can apply without paying the application fee amount.


Process for applying Bihar Urban Development JE Vacancy 2020

All the applicants who are interested in these Govt jobs in Bihar state can apply online through the website . The link for filling up the application form will remain active from 19th Nov. 2020 to 07th Dec. 2020.

Important Dates

19th Nov. 2020 is the Starting Date for Submission Of Online Application.

07th Dec. 2020 is the Last Date for Submission Of Online Application.

Important Links

Notification Here

Apply Online

Bihar Police New Vacancy for 8415 Police Constable Posts in Bihar / How to Apply / Selection Process

Bihar Police New Vacancy 2020

8415 Police Constable Posts in Bihar

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN

Bihar Police Constable notification 2020 is out. Bihar Police Recruitment department is inviting job application form for filling up the vacant posts of 8415 Constable posts. Bihar Police is looking to recruit MALE and FEMALE constable posts through this recruitment process. Applicants who have passed their 12th class examination can apply for this Bihar Police constable recruitment 2020.

The online job application can be filled up before 14th Dec. 2020. Please go through this employment news carefully to know more about the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply for this Bihar Police constable job opening. We are going to explain all these things below in this Sarkari job portal news.

Bihar Police New Vacancy 2020  8415 Police Constable Posts in Bihar

Basic Information about this Bihar Police Constable Vacancy 2020

1). Profile Name: Constable

Vacancies: 8415 Posts. 

Pay Band: Rs.21700 – 69100/- Level -3.

Bihar Police Constable Vacancy according to the Various Categories

·       General (Unreserved): 3489 Posts.

·       EWS: 842 Posts.

·       SC: 1307 Posts.

·       ST: 82 Posts.

·       EBC: 1470 Posts.

·       Backward class: 980 Posts.

·       Backward class (Female): 245 Posts.

IGIMS Patna Vacancy 2020 for Nursing Officer, Technician, DEO, Librarian, Driver & other Posts -Apply Online

 IGIMS Patna Vacancy 2020

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

IGIMS Patna recruitment department is looking to fill up the vacant positions of Nursing Officer, Technician, DEO, Librarian, Driver & other Posts. The Job applications are invited in given Proforma from all qualified Indian resident for the employment on the following posts in different departments of Medical College and Institute.

The eligible and concerned applicants may apply before the last date by using the IGIMS Patna website. The application must be submitted in the prescribed format only. Before applying for the post, applicants should confirm that he/ she fulfils all the admissibility standards and other conditions stated in this announcement. Applicants are advised to sensibly read the full announcement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of on-line application. Read the full Sarkari Job Portal news before applying online.

IGIMS Patna Vacancy 2020


IGIMS Patna Vacancies Detail

1.    Nursing Officer – 27 posts

2.    Junior Medical Laboratory Technology – 23 posts

3.    Pharmacist Grade-II – 02 posts

4.    Perfusionist – 06 posts

5.    Librarian Grade-III – 03 posts

6.    Central Workshop Superintendent – 01 post

7.    Technician (Radiology) Grade-II – 03 posts

8.    Medical Record Technician – 02 posts

9.    Junior Occupational Therapist – 02 posts

10.Driver (Ordinary Grade) 03 posts

11.Data Entry Operator (Grade A) – 01 post

12.Technician (Radiotherapy) Grade-II – 02 posts


Process for Applying

Applicants have to fill up the online application form for applying this IGIMS Patna vacancy 2020. The link is currently active for filling up the online application form. This online application form link will remain active till 31st Oct. 2020.



31ST Oct. 2020 is the Last Date for filling up the online application.



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BPSC Auditor Vacancy 2020 - Govt Jobs in Bihar for 373 Auditor Posts

 BPSC Auditor Vacancy 2020

Govt Jobs in Bihar for 373 Auditor Posts

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Bihar Government Jobs for Auditor posts in different districts. We are going to share brief Information related to this BPSC Auditor vacancy 2020. The public service commission department of the Bihar Government is going to recruit candidates for Auditor posts. BPSC department took the responsibility to recruit the capable candidates in Bihar state for Auditor designation.

In this employment news we are going to share more detail about this BPSC Auditor vacancy as well as all the eligibility criteria. Applicants who are looking for Government jobs in Bihar state should apply for this BPSC Recruitment process. Before applying online for these Government jobs in Bihar, one must read the full employment news carefully before applying.



Basic information about this BPSC Recruitment 2020

Designation Name: Auditor.

Number of Vacancies: 373 Posts.


Eligibility Criteria for Applying this BPSC Recruitment 2020

Qualification: Those Candidates who have a Bachelor Degree is one of the following stream: “Commerce/ Economics/ Statistics/ Mathematics” can apply.


Those who have completed their one of the following course can also apply: “MBA (Finance) / CA/ ICWA/ CS”.


Age Bond: The age criteria for applying these Bihar Government Jobs are as follow:

·       Minimum Age of the candidate who is wishing to apply must be 21 Years.

·       Maximum Age of the candidates for UR (Male) category is 37 Years.

·       Maximum Age of the applicant belonging to the UR (Female), BC & EBC casts is 40 Years.

·       Maximum Age of the candidates belonging to SC & ST casts is 42 Years.


The Application Fee for Applying BPSC Auditor Recruitment:

Different cast candidates have to pay the different application fee amount. The application fee amount for various casts in India is as follow:

·       For Gen/ Other: Rs.600/-

·       For SC/ ST & Women of Bihar State: Rs. 150/-

·       For PWD Candidates: Rs. 150/-

Payment Method: You can choose the Offline/ Online method for the payment of the application fee.


Important Dates

21st Oct. 2020 is the Start Date to Apply Online.

18th Nov. 2020 is the Last Date to Apply.


Important Links

Advertisement Here

Apply Online (Will be Live on 21 Oct. 2020)

Thank you for reading this Govt Job Portal article related to the BPSC Auditor vacancy 2020. For more Government job notification, continue your visit with Govt Jobs Portal. 

BSUSC Assistant Professor Recruitment - 4648 Assistant Professor Jobs in Bihar 2020

 BSUSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2020

4648 Assistant Professor Jobs in Bihar

BSUSC recruitment department is looking to recruit Assistant Professor posts on a direct recruitment basis. BSUSC recruitment department is inviting Govt job application for filling up 4638 Assistant Professor posts. Applicants who have completed their Post-Graduation degree can apply for these Assistant professor jobs in Bihar state 2020.  More information related to this BSUSC Assistant Professor recruitment process is given below in this employment news.

Applicants have to fill up the online application related to this BSUSC Assistant professor recruitment process before 02 November 2020. More information such as the eligibility criteria pay scale, selection process, and How to apply for this Bihar State University Service Commission is given below in this employment news. Read the complete news shared by Govt job Portal before applying online for these Government jobs in Bihar for Assistant Professor posts.


BSUSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2020  4648 Assistant Professor Jobs in Bihar

Basic Information related to this BSUSC Assistant Professor Vacancy 2020

Designation Name: Assistant Professor

Number of Vacancies: 4648 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.57,700 per Month.


BPSC 66th Notification 2020 - Govt Jobs in Bihar for 731 Officers (66 BPSC Exam Notification)

 BPSC 66th Notification 2020

66 BPSC Exam Notification

Shared By: Govt Job Portal

Latest Govt Jobs in Bihar state under various Government departments as an officer. The government of Bihar is conducting BPSC CCE(Combined Competitive Exam) every year. This time the BPSC recruitment department is going to conduct the 66th CCE Pre Exam. Fresher candidates who have completed their Graduation can apply for the 66 BPSC Examination.

BPSC Recruitment department is inviting online job applications to be fill up related to this 66th Combined Competitive Exam 2020. In the 66 BPSC Exam notification, we come to know that there are 731 Vacant posts that are going to be filled up through this BPSC recruitment process 2020. More information related to this BPSC 66th CCE Pre Exam Recruitment 2020 is given below in this Sarkari job portal news.  Read the complete employment news to know about the eligibility criteria, pay scale, and How to apply for this BPSC recruitment process.

bpsc 66th cce notification 2020

Basic Detail About this BPSC 66 CCE Pre Exam 2020

Examination Name:66TH COMBINED Competitive Examination 2020.

Number of Vacancies: 731 Posts.

Pay Band: Pay level – 7 & Pay level-9.

Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020 : Govt Jobs for 1998 Sub Inspector Posts in UP Police

 Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020

1998 Sub Inspector Posts in UP Police

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN

Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020 notification is out today on 14th Aug. 2020. In this Govt Job portal news, we are going to share the basic info related to this Bihar Police SI Recruitment process.

Hello, dear job aspirants, here we are coming up with a piece of the great bulletin for all the contenders who are looking for the officer level Govt jobs in Bihar. A piece of employment news has been published on the Bihar Police official website. Bihar police said that they are going to recruit fresher candidates in POLICE department for Sub Inspector job profile.  There are a total of 1998 vacant positions for Sub Inspector job profile which are going to be filled up through this Bihar Police SI Recruitment process 2020.

All the applicants who had been waiting to apply for the Bihar Police SI Recruitment will be able to apply online directly through the official link that is going to share below in this Sarkari Job Portal news. Read the complete employment news carefully before applying online for this Bihar Police SI recruitment process 2020.

Bihar Police SI Recruitment 2020

BPSC Recruitment 2020 for 119 Lecturer (Electrical Engineering) Posts: Latest Teaching Jobs in Bihar

 BPSC Recruitment 2020 

Govt Jobs for 119 Lecturer (Electrical Engineering) Posts

Latest Teaching Jobs in Bihar

Hello readers and the candidates who completed their B.Tech in Electrical discipline and eagerly waiting for Government Jobs in Bihar. Every year BPSC recruits Lecturers, Assistant Professors in different institutions by conducting a combined competitive examination. Now, Bihar Public Service Commission has given a recruitment notification to fill the posts of Lecturer in the discipline of Electrical Engineering under Science & Technology Department.

Aspirants may apply online through open advertisement in which all Indian candidates are eligible to apply. BPSC has released this Lecturer (Electrical Engineering) notification to recruit the posts in State Government Polytechnic Colleges/Women Polytechnic Colleges. Read the complete employment news before applying to the Lecturer (Electrical Engineering) Recruitment 2020.

Govt Jobs for 119 Lecturer (Electrical Engineering) Posts

AIIMS 3303 Nursing Officer Recruitment 2020: Latest Government Jobs in AIIMS Institutions all Over India

AIIMS 3303 Nursing Officer Recruitment 2020

Latest Government Jobs in AIIMS Institutions

Shared By: WWW.GovtJobsPortal.IN

Hello readers, welcome to the Govt Jobs Portal channel once again with a new employment news update. AIIMS Recruitment for Staff Nurses on direct recruitment basis. All India Institutes of Medical Sciences are a group of autonomous government public medical colleges of higher education. These institutes have been declared by an Act of Parliament as Institutes of National Importance. Every year AIIMS New Delhi releases a notification to recruit Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Posts) in different institutions.

Nursing Officer posts are to be recruited in 15 institutions of AIIMS. Candidates are recruited to this post on a contract basis. Candidates who wish to apply for this Staff Nurse vacancies may complete their GNM Course. A common eligibility test (NORCET) is conducted by AIIMS Delhi to fill the vacancies notified. Read the complete employment news before applying to the post of Nursing Officer Recruitment 2020. More information related to this AIIMS Recruitment process is given below in this Sarkari Job Portal news.

Railway Jobs in India

aiims recruitment 2020

Brief Information about the AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment 2020:

Name of the Post: Nursing Officer

No. of Posts: 3303

Pay Scale: Rs. 9,300 – 34,800/- + G.P Rs. 4,600/- (Pay will be according to Pay )matrix Level

Bihar Police Forester Recruitment 2020 : 12th Pass Govt Jobs in India

Bihar Police Forester Recruitment 2020
12th Pass Govt Jobs in India

Bihar Police Recruitment department issued an open advertisement for the selection of the applicants for the forester job profile. Latest Govt Jobs in India for 12th pass candidates in the Science stream only. Bihar Police recruitment department is inviting job applications for filling up the vacant job profiles under the Forest department of Bihar Government.  

Bihar Police department is going to fill up a total of 236 Forester Vacancy through this recruitment process. More information related to these 12th pass Govt jobs in India is given below in this Jobs Portal news. Read the full employment news shared by Sarakri job portal before applying online for these Govt jobs in India 2020.

Bihar Police Forester Recruitment 2020

Basic Information about this Bihar Police Forester Vacancy 2020
Designation Name: Forester.

Number of Vacancies: 236 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.29,200 -Rs.92,300 per Month.

Forest Guard Recruitment 2020 - 484 Forest Guard Vacancy in Bihar State

Bihar Police Forest Guard Recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs for 484 Forest Guards

Forest Guards Recruitment in Bihar state 2020. Bihar Police recruitment department is inviting the latest job application for filling up the vacant posts of 484 Forest Guard posts. Applicants who are looking for the Government jobs in India after passing out in their 12th class examination in any stream must apply for this career-making opportunity as a Forest Guard.

The procedure for applying this Forest Guard Vacancy is live now and this link for applying online will remain active till 4th Aug. 2020. More information related to these Govt jobs in Bihar state is given below in this Sarkari job portal news. Various forest guard vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary, and how to apply for this Bihar Police Forest Guard jobs is given below in this job portal news. Read the complete article carefully before applying for this Forest Guard recruitment 2020.

Basic Information about this Bihar Forest Guards Vacancy 2020
Designation Name: Forest Guard

Number of Vacancies: 484 Posts

Pay Band: Rs.21,700 – Rs.69,100 (Pay Level-3).

forest guard recruitment 2020

Govt Jobs in Bihar for 472 Accountant, Manager & Other Posts -Bihar SHSB Recruitment 2020

Bihar Jobs for 472 Vacant Posts

Hello, dear aspirants! Welcome to the Govt Job Portal website. Today we are here to inform you about the current Govt jobs in Bihar. State Health Society Bihar Recruitment 2020 (06/2020) is inviting applications from eligible candidates for 472 vacancies including Block Health Manager, Block Accountant, Block Community Mobilizer, Senior Treatment Supervisor, Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor, and Vector-Borne Disease Supervisor under National Health Mission. Candidates who have pursued Diploma, B.Sc., MBA, fulfill the eligibility criteria for the posts can apply online for these Govt Jobs.

Candidates can apply for these Bihar Jobs on or before 26th July 2020. We’re going to be explaining the recruitment process below, with the help of a few tables containing all the information-oriented details. All candidates out there are requested to go through this article properly, and follow the tables very carefully with each minor detail, regarding educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary, and procedures of applying for the posts.

Each necessary detail and every terms and condition related to these Govt jobs in Bihar have been published on the official website of SHSB. You can check them out here- and apply for the posts of your choice, if you are eligible.
Now, go through the tables below, where we’re going to provide you with information about these Bihar jobs. You need to know about the terms and conditions thoroughly if you’re interested in applying for any of these posts. In this Sarkari Job Portal employment news we are going to discuss all the information related to these Govt jobs in Bihar. Read the full article carefully before applying online.
govt jobs in bihar

Bihar Police Sepoy Constable Vacancy 2020 - Govt Jobs in India for 551 Sepoy Constables

Bihar Police Sepoy Constable Vacancy 2020

Govt Jobs in India for 551 Sepoy Constables

Hello dear job seekers, welcome to the Govt Job Portal channel once again. In this Employment news, we are going to explain the latest Bihar Police Recruitment 2020 process for the Sepoy constable job profile. Yesterday on 3rd June 2020, CSBC Recruitment department of Bihar Government introduce an official notification on their website in which they mentioned various terms and conditions related to the Bihar police sepoy constable recruitment process 2020.

Bihar Police is inviting all fresher candidates to apply online for the 551 Sepoy constable vacancy. The official notification has been published by the CSBC Recruitment department is in the HINDI language. On the basis of the PDF file, we are sharing this Sakari job portal news in English Language. All the information which we are going to share in this Govt Job Portal is totally based on that PDF file.

More information related to this Bihar Police Sepoy constable recruitment process is given below in this employment news. Read the complete notice till the end, if you are wishing to apply for these Govt jobs in India. Every term and conations related to this CSBC Sepoy constable vacancy is given below:

Basic Information about this Bihar Police Sepoy Recruitment 2020
Job Profile: Sepoy Constable in Home Guard.

Number of Vacancies: 551 Posts

Bihar Police Sepoy Constable Salary: Rs.21,700 – Rs.69,100 (Pay Level-3).

Bihar Police 454 Lady Constable Recruitment 2020 Notification - CSBC New Vacancy

Bihar Police Lady Constable Recruitment 2020

CSBC New Vacancy 2020

Latest Govt Jobs Notification under the Bihar Police department. Bihar Police Lady Constable recruitment 2020 notification is out.  Bihar Police recruitment department is inviting Govt job applications for filling up the vacant positions of Lady Constable all over Bihar state in different districts. Applicants who are waiting for a career-making opportunity under Police department then this is the best chance to grab a Police Constable job in Bihar state.

There is a total 454 Lady constable vacancy which is going to be filled up through this Bihar Police 2020 recruitment process. Applicants who have completed their 12th class from a well-known educational board of India is eligible to apply for these Govt jobs in India 2020. More information related to this Bihar Police Vacancy is given below in this Sarkari Job Portal news. Read the complete notification carefully before applying for this CSBC new vacancy 2020.


Basic Info about this Bihar Police Lady Constable Vacancy 2020
Designation Name: Lady Constable.

Number of Vacancies: 454 Posts.

Pay Band: Rs.21,700 – Rs.69,100 (Pay Level-3).

What are the various Eligibility Norms for applying this CSBC new Vacancy 2020?
Educational Norms: Applicants who have completed their 12th class in any stream from a recognized Educational Board of India can apply for this Bihar Lady Police constable vacancy 2020.
Note: Only ST Category candidates are eligible to apply for this Lady Constable recruitment 2020.

Age Bond: Applicants who have age in between the following limits:
·       Minimum age Limit: 18 Years.
·       Maximum age limit: 30 years.

Various Physical Test related to this Bihar Police recruitment 2020
1 Kilometer in 05 Minutes
High Jump
03 Feet
Gola Fek
12 Pound, 12 Feet through

How much application fee to be paid for applying these Govt Jobs in India?
All ST category candidates have to pay the application fee of amount Rs.112 for applying this Bihar Police Lady constable recruitment 2020.
Method of Payment: You have to pay the application fee through the online method: “Debit Card, Debit Card & Net Banking”.

24TH June 2020 is the Start Date to Apply.
24th July 2002 is the Last Date to Apply.





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